Pastor Drew Hunsley
Lead Pastor
Pastor Drew and his high school sweetheart, Kari, have five children: Peyton (2012), Sadie (2013), Oliver (2016), Quinn (2019), and Cooper (2021). Drew was initially hired as the Associate Pastor of RockCC in 2019 and became the Lead Pastor in 2020. Drew has a bachelor’s degree in youth ministry, a MAR degree in discipleship, and an MDiv in professional ministries from Liberty University and has been “Pastor Drew” since 2008.
What Excites You About Ministry?
“More than anything, I love having the opportunity to proclaim the good news that God came into the world to save sinners! We have been given the greatest news ever, and having the opportunity to tell people that God loves them, teach people how to follow Him, and invest my time in serving the church is an incredible opportunity. I count it as a blessing to have the role I do. “Making disciples” (followers of Jesus) is the command that Jesus gave to every Christian, but having the opportunity to invest my life into that mission single-mindedly is such an incredible opportunity, and it excites me every day!”
Favorite Hobbies: Playing golf or spending time with the family
Favorite Teams: Duke University, LA Lakers, and Indianapolis Colts
Favorite Bible Verses: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)
Pastor Mike Thiemann
Pastor of Family Ministries
Pastor Mike and his wife Erin have three children: Malachi (2007), Kyla (2009), and Alaina (2013). Mike was hired as the Pastor of Family Ministries at RockCC in August of 2022 after serving locally at another church for 17 years. Mike has a Bachelor's Degree and an MDiv from Liberty University and has been "Pastor Mike" since 2007.
What Excites You About Ministry?
“To watch people grow in their gifting and to be used by the Lord in whatever He calls them to. I also love watching people grasp God's Word and understand His plans and desires for their lives. Also... worship excites me because it is the thing we do on this side of eternity that we will continue to do in heaven.”
Favorite Hobbies: "...I'm pretty boring..." (Spending time with my kids, reading, fishing, or dove hunting.)
Favorite Teams: The LA Lakers
Favorite Bible Verses:
"He entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption." (Hebrews 9:12)
Pastor Dave Briggs
Lay Pastor
Dave Briggs and his wife Joanie have two adult daughters, Annie and Allie. Dave has been attending The Rock since 2004 and has been “Pastor Dave” since 2013. Dave has a bachelor’s degree from Biola University and works as the Creative Director with Mousetrappe Studio U.S.A.
What Excites You About Ministry?
“Studying God’s Word is the joy of my life. It is such a blessing to preach and teach God’s Word to others, and I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve the Lord in this way. I love investing in people and enjoy having opportunities to develop deep and meaningful connections with people as we pursue the Lord together.”
Favorite Hobbies: Hiking
Favorite Teams: The LA Lakers, Dodgers, and Kings
Favorite Bible Verses:
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
If I would count them, they are more than the sand.
I awake, and I am still with you.
Bruce Cook
Lay Elder
Bruce has been married to his wife Toni since 1986 and has four adult children: Victoria, Richard, Bruce, and Greg. Bruce has been attending The Rock since 2003 and has been serving as an elder since 2015. Bruce is currently working as a Sr. Project Manager with HA Builders.
What Excites You About Ministry?
“We get to see lives changed! The most incredible blessing I could receive is the process of ministering to people, preaching the Word of God, and seeing lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.”
Favorite Hobbies: Studying the Bible, reading, or swimming
Favorite Teams: USC Trojan Football
Favorite Bible Verse: “They read from the book, from the Law of God, clearly, and they gave the sense so that the people understood the reading.” (Nehemiah 8:8)
Bruce Cook
Lay Elder
Bruce has been married to his wife Toni since 1986 and Bruce has four adult children; Victoria, Richard, Bruce, and Greg. Bruce has been attending The Rock since 2003 and has been serving as an elder since 2015. Bruce is currently working as a Sr. Project Manager with HA Builders.
What Excites You About Ministry?
“We get to see lives changed! The process of ministering to people, preaching the Word of God, and seeing lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God is the most incredible blessing I could receive.”
Favorite Hobbies: Studying the Bible, reading, or swimming
Favorite Teams: USC Trojan Football
Favorite Bible Verse: “They read from the book, from the Law of God, clearly, and they gave the sense, so that the people understood the reading.” (Nehemiah 8:8)
Favorite Hobby: Playing guitar & reading
Favorite Treat: Assorted chocolates
Mike & Erin
Directors of
Student Ministry
Favorite Hobby (Erin): Photography
Favorite Treat (Erin): Dark chocolate almond clusters
Director of
Music Ministry
Favorite Hobby: Playing Piano
Favorite Treat: "All the Chocolate!"
Director of
Young Adults
Favorite Hobby: Watching all things "sports"
Favorite Treat: Lemonheads
Director of
Children's Ministry
Favorite Hobby: Photography
Favorite Treat: Dark chocolate almond clusters
Director of
Women's Ministry
Favorite Hobby: Going to the beach
Favorite Treat: Chocolate/salted caramel truffles
Deacon of
Favorite Hobby: Playing guitar & reading
Favorite Treat: Assorted chocolates
Deacon of
Favorite Hobby: Crafting & baking
Favorite Treat: Dark chcolate
Deacon of
Senior Care
Favorite Hobby: Playing chess & anything related to classic cars!
Favorite Treat: Chocolate chip cookies
Deacon of
Worship Ministries
Favorite Hobby: Watching football & reading
Favorite Treat: Peanut butter cookies
What does "inactive leadership" mean?
The term "inactive" refers to someone who is still considered an elder or deacon, but is not currently involved in the day-to-day operations of the church.
A former Angels and Dodgers player who was inducted into the USC Hall of Fame in 2007, Pastor John served as a senior pastor of Yorba Linda Friends Church for seventeen years. He then founded The Rock Community Church in November 2003. Pastor John retired from weekly ministry at The Rock in 2015 and moved out of state, but is now serving as our Pastor Emeritus.